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Penang School of Humanity “Water Repentance” Musical Sign Language Drama
First up in Malaysia, to strengthen parent-child bonds, starting from June of this year, students of the Penang Tzu Chi Academy and their parents, have gathered together, to rehearse for the Water Repentance Sutra. After nearly four months of practice, the group put up three performances, that were seen by nearly 4,000 people.
This is the scene at the Penang Tzu Chi Academy in Malaysia, as more than 500 on stage volunteers come together to perform the musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Sutra.
Myanmar Dharma Master Ven Rev. Jagara Buddhi: Very good from this and then a lot of people can get a lot of lessons, so can get a lot of general knowledge also. We also can see our wrong thing and right thing.
This time on stage volunteers are mostly students and teachers from the Tzu Chi Academy. This has not had much time to rehearse as a group, thanks to the determination of the volunteers, the performances were a success.
Volunteers Lai Kon Soon: At first, I wasn’t that concentrated on the performance and the movements. It took me more than 2 months to learn the sign language. When I decided to focus however it only took me about a week to remember all the lyrics and the movements.
Triple Wisdom Hall Master XianXing: Everyone makes mistakes and we all have desire, anger and ignorance in our hearts. If we can repent of our past mistakes, we can bring peace to those around us.
The musical adaptation of the water repentance Sutra, not only touched the hearts of these and the audience, it is also the youngsters that are involved in the performance.
Volunteers Ler Jia Jun: When I was performing the Sutra, I thought about the painter. The painter works really hard to build his dream home, however in the end he had to go back to zero. I think this is the meaning behind the Water Repentance Sutra.
Volunteers Lock Chee Hou: Although my character in the musical adaptation, only needed to sit and listen to hateful words from a lady, it wasn’t easy to do. I had to put myself into my character, because every part in the water repentance Sutra is important.
Through the musical adaptation on stage, volunteers and those in the audience are inspired and repent for their past behaviors, and at the same time prays for a disaster free world.
檳城水懺公演 用心演繹感動觀眾
緬甸Ven Rev. Jagara Buddhi法師:「因為在眾人的演繹中,除了傳達一般知識,還有經文裡面的智慧。我們身為觀眾,可以從中學習對與錯。」